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I like long walks on the beach late at night.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Technology Fail

Anytime a company recalls 8.5 million units of their product, you know something has gone terribly wrong. Poor judgment, lack of quality control, and just pure laziness are the key factors that play into foreign based automaker Toyota’s recent recall of 8.5 million vehicles.
Unless you’re out of the main stream news, you know what’s been unearthed with this company in recent months but I’ll touch briefly. Accelerator problems have forced cars to speed out of control. Couple this with the now evident braking problems and you have a death trap straight from Japan. You also shouldn’t forget that all Toyota recalls include that nice, expensive, luxurious Lexus you just purchased also. At least you can listen to a premium sound system and have seat heaters while you’re driving out of control. Not so bad meow is it?
The question that has really struck me through this whole ordeal is why people continue to buy foreign vehicles. You can go buy something from Germany (Volkswagen) and support the company that helped Hitler. A better idea would be to buy something from Mitsubishi because they were the ones who built the airplane that strafed your grandfather in WWII. Same scenario goes for Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Toyota. How these companies where even aloud to exist after the war is beyond me.
The Toyota recalls are just another piece of evidence that exposes how unpatriotic Americans really are. Every time I see somebody buy a new vehicle from these companies I fill up with disgust. I don’t care if you do think it’s cheaper or not and I don’t want to hear any of that gas-mileage nonsense because nobody ever does their research to find out that GM, Ford, and Chrysler have just as good if not better economical vehicles. Try out the Chevrolet Volt for example, 230 mpg, no joke, as reported by CNN (http://money.cnn.com/2009/08/11/autos/volt_mpg/). Compare the price and fuel economy with the Toyota Prius and you will be shocked. You don’t even need to compare the price anymore, just compare reliability. Which vehicle is going to take you from point A to point B safely?
I’m sure somebody will say “Well I can’t afford the Chevy Volt.” That’s fine, go purchase a Chevy Cobalt with the 4-cyl. engine and a five-speed transmission. 37 EPA estimated fuel economy for around ten grand and that’s new. There is no reason Americans can’t buy domestic vehicles anymore, they are just too lazy to actually look and fall into the assumption that foreign cars are better. I am hoping that this recent technology blunder of Toyota’s will open up the public’s eyes and show them what is really happening around them.
Oh, and by the way, Honda has recalled almost 1 million vehicles for malfunctioning airbags.

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