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I like long walks on the beach late at night.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fuel Economy

With the recent economic scare and General Motors having to go bankrupt and take loans from the federal government, many would come to wonder how this company is ever going to find a way to put itself back on its feet. GM took a punch, but is not knocked out yet. They have been putting extensive time and research into many new types of alternative fuels, harnessing this technology and hopefully using it to bring them back to the dominating status of automobile sales that they have once been known for.
One of these new types of technology that will hopefully bring GM back to life is fuel cell technology. This new style of technology requires hydrogen as the fuel and its only emission is water vapor. The vehicles being tested by real-life people in real-life scenarios are said to have a range of 168 miles before having to stop for a five to seven minute refill. This new milestone in emissions and fuel technology should be able to bring GM back into the playing field and get rid of their bad reputation for having gas-guzzling vehicles, which isn’t even true to begin with. You can go ride around in your little smart car all you want, but when you’re rear-ended by a semi while exciting the highway, how much gas you saved won’t matter if you’re not alive.
Take for example all the people who saved their money and went and bout Toyota vehicles lately. Save all that money just to have your vehicle accelerate uncontrollably. I don’t know about you, but I would rather have a reliable vehicle over a cheap one.

Here’s where I found my article:


  1. I agree with what you said in your article. I think that GM finally realized that it had to come up with new technologies and more reliable, fuel efficient cars in order to compete with foreign auto companies such as toyota and honda. I think fuel-cell cars are definitely the cars of the future, but it will be interesting to see how long it takes car companies to cheaply mass produce these fuel-cell cars.

  2. Once GM recognized their life threatening economic status their were two thoughts on their mind. The first was what we can do to stay afloat. The second thought they had once they stabilized their finances, was what they could do to show the world their cars were worth buying. After further review it was apparent that the strongest impact they could make would be by creating more fuel efficient cars than the gas guzzlers they were accustom to making. Since then they have gone above and beyond their expectations. They have created the most fuel efficient lineup of cars in the world and they appear to be on top of the market for creating a groundbreaking electric car. The Chevy volt is supposed to enter the world in 2011 and is supposed to surpass any electric car created in the past. It is only a matter of time before GM is back to their booming status they held in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's.
