About Me

I like long walks on the beach late at night.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Morning Do

For my last blog entry, I decided to talk about the technology and it’s improvements to everyday life with respect to what I’ve used since I’ve woken up this morning, so there will not be a source article except that of myself. I decided to do this because as I was getting ready for the day, a few tough questions decided to run through my mind. Everything I’m going to compare is going to be compared to the Civil War era, just to make sure everybody gets the idea of how primitive we’re talking here.

The first question that came into my head was the alarm clock. Obviously electricity had not been invented yet back then and from living on a farm where there are chickens before, the rooster does not always cackle at dawn. I know some of us have biological alarm clocks, that is where we just wake up everyday at the same time everyday. Another idea would be the mechanical alarm clock, you know, your classic alarm clock with the two bells on top. But now maybe going farther back in time, before this invention how did everyone wake up on time? Did everybody just sleep in till the wanted?

The second question that came to mind was taking a shower. This actually raised two questions. What kind of soap, and how good was it, did they use and could they even take showers? I was starting to wonder as I used four different washes, shampoo on my hair, CeraVe Face-wash on my face, Benzoil Peroxide on my shoulders, and body wash for the rest of my body, how did people use the soap products that they had? Did they even have products, or was it just one product? I can remember going to some camps when I was a little kid for Boy Scouts and having to use a bar of soap to wash my entire body, hair and all. I didn’t mind but I’m sure some of the women out there wouldn’t be too happy with this practice. As for taking a shower, I think this was an invention that came with running water, unless you heated the water on another level of your house and ran pipes down to yourself. Needless to say, my morning would be considerably longer waiting for the water to heat up or I would be considerably smellier because I would have not taken a shower.

The last interesting piece of technology to help our (well mens, and I guess women’s, they shave their legs) mornings go smoother is the electric razor, or just razor in general. Before the invention of this at home shaving device, men would have to go to their local barber to get a good trim, and I’m not even sure if women shaved their legs. Now I wanna think back before the invention of the straight-blade at the barbershop. How did men shave their beards, or did they all just let them grow until they could use clippers and keep them decently trimmed? Personally, I have a problem growing facial hair and it’s not full at all so having to grow mine out and still look good would present a major problem.

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